
Benefits of Every Door Direct Mail Service

Published August 4th, 2022 by LeaderInPrint, Inc.

Starting and running a business means stepping up against a lot of competition. After all, there are around 32.5 million small businesses in the US. That's to say nothing of bigger enterprises and corporations. You don't compete with all of those other businesses, specifically on products or services.

You do face competition from all of them for customer attention and mindshare. That's where every door direct mail service comes into the picture. It offers you another way to reach customers directly with printed marketing.

Not sure what you get from the service? Keep reading for the benefits of every door direct mail.

Forget Mailing Lists

Most businesses possess mailing lists, think physical addresses, for their existing customers. You often compile these lists from registrations for online orders and opt-in features during the registration process. While these lists are great for reaching existing customers, most businesses can use new customers coming through the door.

How do you reach them without buying mailing lists of potential new customers?

Let's say that you get some business printing that includes things like:

  • Flyers* 
  • Tri-fold brochures* 
  • Postcards*

*Minimum Postal Sizes Apply

EDDM can let you send those directly to specific areas based on postal routes. So, a restaurant or store can target people within a specific distance of their physical location with no mailing list required.

Just as importantly, this approach lets you target customers in other areas who might not know about your business. For example, let's say that you start a new jewelry store. You might target upper-middle-class neighborhoods to help jumpstart traffic in the store.

Cost Effective

As long as you work within the limits of the service, no less than 200 and no more than 5000 pieces, you get a reduced postage rate. That lets you spend more on creating your mail pieces or even diverting part of your marketing budget to related areas.

Incentivize Visits

Using EDDM also gives you a golden opportunity to incentivize visits to your location with discounts and coupons. You can incorporate the discount or coupon right into your mailing.

That not only encourages people to stop by, but it can also help you sell products that customers might not necessarily buy as often. For example, let's say that you started stocking a new line of skincare products that hasn't caught on. An EDDM campaign offering discounts on those products may increase foot traffic and boost sales.

Every Door Direct Mail and You

Every door direct mail offers businesses several key benefits. Right at the top of the list is that you can target delivery to specific areas.

For some businesses, that means targeting those close to your business. For other businesses, that means targeting the right kinds of neighborhoods.

It's a cost-effective way to get your printed marketing into the right hands, courtesy of a postage rate discount. Plus, you can incentivize visits by offering discounts.

Leader in Print, Inc. specializes in business printing solutions and supplementary services, such as EDDM. For more information or questions, contact Leader in Print, Inc. today.

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